Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Everything happens in threes

We've all heard this wives tale; every time something tragic happens, doesn't it always seem like it happens in threes?

Interesting, eh?

I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast and it's amazing how that on my calorie count, even skipping just a bit really is draining. My stomach was pissed! Strike one.

Then, after my busy morning, I was really looking forward to getting a workout in only to find I had left my exercise clothes sitting on my bed at home. Damn, now I was pissed at myself! Strike two.

So then all I wanted to do was to weight myself. I forgot today was Men's locker room day. Allow me to explain. My gym is going through a locker room renovation so Men have locker room use on Odd days, Women have use on even days. Crap. My scale; my control in this experiment was not accessible. Strike three?

When, I walked away from the locker room looking like my puppy died, the club manager noticed and when I explained, so nicely went into the locker room, retrieved my beloved scale and let me quickly weight in. Of course I had to do it twice because I couldn't believe my eyes!

I'd like to make an annoucement. I am formally changing the "things happen in threes" stigma to a positive thing since the three things I want to focus on are the three pounds that I dropped this week. Home run!

This evening when I got home, I was more motivated then I had been previously and hit the walking trails, family in tow, for an hour while maintaining a heart rate of 180! Turns out walking with a stroller is a pretty good workout.

This week, I feel like a new me. I feel thinner. I feel accomplished. But most of all the best feeling is that I am in control. That my weight does not rule me and that I (my mind) can make all the difference.

Updated weight as of today: 165!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday, we have to stop meeting like this!

Wow, what a whirlwind of a weekend!

To start, I am SUPER proud of myself that I was able to stick to my calorie count AND get some calorie burning exercise in to boot.

On Saturday, I attended another Spinning class at a gym near my home and it was SUPER SPIN, meaning an hour long instead of the usual 45 minutes. I left that class feeling fabulous. Although I wish the instructor would have pushed us more, I did like how she let us determine our own pace and can see why since an hour of a class is probably more about pace than speed.

Sunday was a bit more of a challenge as we had plans to attend a major league baseball game. It was really difficult to avoid the nachos! However, we bought tickets and decided to head out to standing room only where there was tons of room for our son to toddle around. I sweat a lot! It was hot and I was chasing after Munchkin and could just feel the beads running down my back-ew! However, in a way, I loved it because it meant my body was working and probably burning off some nastiness. In between the Mich Ultra beer and standing/walking for three + hours, I think I evened out my day pretty well.

I didn't get much exercise in today; just a half hour walk with my Pup but it's something. With my calorie intake, I think as far as today is concerned, I am in a good place.

I'm dreading tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to step on a scale and find out truly how successful I have been. I hope that regardless of the results, that I am able to remind myself that I FEEL better and that has got to count for something. I made the mistake of stepping on the scale on Thursday and was disappointed to find I had somehow gained a pound? We'll see what tomorrow may bring. I'm trying to weight in during the same time of day and on the same scale for consistency sake but the same time definitely won't happen but I hope to at least get up on the same scale.

Until tomorrow, be well!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Three Dwarfs

I'm not going to post a whole lot tonight. It's going on 9 pm and I'm exhausted. I worked a 12 hour day but was able to get a pretty good workout in though on the Stairmaster and even some weights including legs presses, curls, and extensions.

The reason for the post title is because I feel:


Okay, so Hungry wasn't a dwarf but maybe should have been. I'll send Disney a letter right after I eat a yogurt (with even have some calories left over in my allowance)!

Make it a great weekend people!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We Will Rock You

Today I took a spinning class with a new instructor and it's so interesting how the choice in music can either drive or drown a workout.

Today's music selection included a lot of Queen and songs such as "We will Rock You" and "we are the champions". Great songs with great beats to get your legs moving. But even better is that the compelling beat makes it easy to take your mind off of what you are physically doing and focus mentally on what's going on.

My mind starting racing as fast as my bike (well if it had legit wheels). Dammit Freddie Mercury; you're right! I certainly can fight til the end. There isn't time for losers. And I will rock you, er maybe I'll just work on rocking myself. Or hah, the scales for the matter.

Either way, I was pumped! And I twisted the resistance knob to the right, and even sprinted an extra song.

Now, I know I promised to discuss my cool tools. Well, allow me to show off my profile on MyDailyPlate.com, a site integrated with Livestrong.com (and who IS NOT inspired by Lance Armstrong)?? This site is fabulous! It allow you to track your food intake as well as input your exercise routines. I know what you're thinking. Yes, vigorous sexual activity burns 96 calories an hour ; )


Back on topic people! I think my favorite thing is that a) they have a blackberry ap which makes it easier and quite frankly leaves me no excuse not to record my efforts, and b) they give me merit badges. Feeding write into the hidden girl scout in me! So far, I have a badge for just logging in for three days, recording food for three days, and exercising for three days!

Now if I could only earn some money selling yummy cookies (but definitely not eating them).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I survived!

Today marks almost the conclusion of day two and I must say; I'm pretty darn proud of myself.

Now, I know I have miles and pounds to go but hey, it's a start!

I've done quite a bit of research in the past few days and building up to getting started I though a lot about why I have been unsuccessful in the past. One of the conclusions I have reached is that the things I was doing before as far as exercise is concerned was not FUN (gasp)! I've decided that this doesn't have to feel like torture and I just need to find things that I enjoy that get me off the couch and my heart rate jumping.

Here's the hard part. The things I enjoy come with a lot of stuff (and expensive stuff). I enjoy swimming but find the laps to be dull and boring. So, I started looking into waterproof Ipod cases and headphones. Not a cheap undertaking either. Not to mention, yes I have a community pool that is free to use to me for now but what happens past labor day and it closes? Bummer.

The second activity I enjoy has been indoor cycling (aka spinning). However I feel that in order to truly assess the results of that effort, I need to have some type of heartrate monitor. And wouldn't that be fabulous for the pool too? I immediately looked into the BodyBugg which is the fancy calories out counter that the Biggest Losers were. Color me surprised to find they are not water proof. Double bummer. However, I pressed on surfing the Internet to find the Polar monitors and although they don't upload exact caloric expenditures to a fancy (and again expensive) website, it does calculate heartrate and give a remotely accurate assessment of calories burned.

Lastly, I have come to somewhat enjoy tennis. Although it's more humid than hell right now even post 7 p.m. it is still something I would really like to get out and do much more often. And the best part is that it's of relatively no additional cost to me!

For a complete list of all the gadgets I am digging right now; see my new wishlist to the right.

Even though I blew my food goals for the day by about 300 calories, it still feels good to "know" what I am doing, be diligent in recording it, and not getting so discouraged that I gave up on exercising today.

Go me!

Tomorrow, remind me to blog about the website I have been using to record all of the ins and outs of this journey.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weighing on my Mind

A waist is a terrible thing to mind? Good question. I ask myself that many times a day.

I realize I am overweight. But here's the thing; I am a mental size zero stuck in the body of a size 16. When I look in the mirror I don't necessarily see the fat person in front of me. I still see the beautiful size zero that I was in high school. I am still mentally confident in my appearance and perhaps that is the sole reason I don't exercise or eat well. I don't think I have a problem.

So why am I here? Other people think I have a problem; mainly my husband. Does he degrade me? No. But he does tell me that he wishes I were "healthier" (i.e. thinner in my interpretation) so that I can be there for him and our family. I've recently had some health issues including a scare where I thought I was having a heart attack that sent me to the ER. I'm starting to not outright disagree with him. Hence this blog.

Here are my hopes:
I'm going to be brutally honest with myself and with this forum. It might not be pretty but dammit it will be true.

I'm going to be healthy. I'll have a complete physical exam and I'll face whatever it has to say (I've actively avoided going to the doctor for the fear of what might be found). I'll make clear goals and hold myself accountable.

I will get to a socially acceptable Body Mass Index (BMI) and I will have another child when I get there and not a day sooner. I don't want to have gestational diabetes again and put myself and more importantly my child at risk.

I'm going to unleash my inner demons and fight the mental notions that time and time again keep me from achieving my goals.

I will swallow my pride, and stop the denial which undoubtedly will be the toughest part of this journey.

I will not allow myself to be the ironic symbol of my company that I feel I have become (more on that later).

I will support myself and be my motivator and not rely on anyone else to be my cheerleader because in the end, it is all about me.

I will become educated.

And lastly, I will share this, all of it from the food to the pain, with everyone or no one at all. Even if I am ever the only reader of this blog.

Today I weigh 168 pounds and have a BMI of 30.72 (thanks findmybmi.com)
Today is for my tomorrows.