Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday, we have to stop meeting like this!

Wow, what a whirlwind of a weekend!

To start, I am SUPER proud of myself that I was able to stick to my calorie count AND get some calorie burning exercise in to boot.

On Saturday, I attended another Spinning class at a gym near my home and it was SUPER SPIN, meaning an hour long instead of the usual 45 minutes. I left that class feeling fabulous. Although I wish the instructor would have pushed us more, I did like how she let us determine our own pace and can see why since an hour of a class is probably more about pace than speed.

Sunday was a bit more of a challenge as we had plans to attend a major league baseball game. It was really difficult to avoid the nachos! However, we bought tickets and decided to head out to standing room only where there was tons of room for our son to toddle around. I sweat a lot! It was hot and I was chasing after Munchkin and could just feel the beads running down my back-ew! However, in a way, I loved it because it meant my body was working and probably burning off some nastiness. In between the Mich Ultra beer and standing/walking for three + hours, I think I evened out my day pretty well.

I didn't get much exercise in today; just a half hour walk with my Pup but it's something. With my calorie intake, I think as far as today is concerned, I am in a good place.

I'm dreading tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to step on a scale and find out truly how successful I have been. I hope that regardless of the results, that I am able to remind myself that I FEEL better and that has got to count for something. I made the mistake of stepping on the scale on Thursday and was disappointed to find I had somehow gained a pound? We'll see what tomorrow may bring. I'm trying to weight in during the same time of day and on the same scale for consistency sake but the same time definitely won't happen but I hope to at least get up on the same scale.

Until tomorrow, be well!

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